How NOT to win friends - or votes!

Written by: Mary-Anne Bowring 03/09/2019
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If you want a lesson in shooting yourself in the foot, you don’t have to go much further than yesterday’s ‘right to buy’ announcement from the Labour party.

If you want a lesson in shooting yourself in the foot, you don’t have to go much further than yesterday’s ‘right to buy’ announcement from the Labour party.

Labour has pledged to introduce a new policy: if it wins the next general election it will give private tenants the right to buy the homes they live in. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell framed the proposal as a response to the problem of “overcrowding” and landlords “who don’t maintain their properties”. This is a hammer to crack a nut. And it has produced the expected response from landlords and their member organisations. This is a badly considered plan and its timing is terrible. As we all hold our breath to see whether or not we will be facing another General Election in a few weeks’ time, Labour just lost the votes of landlords around the country.

Most landlords provide a well-maintained home for their tenants – and are right to expect a decent return for their investment. They are not providing social housing. Bad landlords are not the norm and as David Smith from ARLA says: “If there was to be any chance of this becoming law, there would be a mass sell-off of properties in advance”. It is also doubtful, if the aim is to allow tenants to buy their rented home for below market value, whether or not lenders would be willing to provide mortgages on that basis. The housing market is predicated on market value, not on arbitrary sums set by the government. Smith thinks Labour’s plans are effectively a kind of compulsory purchase that is entirely unacceptable and ultimately unworkable, reducing the availability of homes to rent and destroying the viability of the PRS. Spot on, we say. Giving council tenants the right to buy in the 1980s ultimately produced a crisis in social housing, which successive governments have failed to address. The problem has spilled over into the private rental sector which now has to find homes for tenants who would, in the past, have been housed by their local authority.

A well-regulated, strong PRS is an asset and responsible buy-to-let landlords are badly needed in a country with too few affordable homes to buy. "Time to emigrate," says Ringley & PlanetRent Group CEO Mary-Anne Bowring. "Personally, I am fed up with out-of-touch politicians stereotyping private landlords. There are some rogue landlords but these are the minority - by and large, private landlords are hard-working individuals trying to build a nest egg for their children or their retirement.The Tories have squeezed landlords with mortgage tax changes, reduced their income by banning up-front fees and even expect them to clean up after tenants at the end of the tenancy! Now Labour wants to dispossess them of their property altogether - I do wonder seriously, who is fit to run the country?" In our opinion, the Labour party should turn its attention to finding ways to deliver a major housebuilding programme that would provide jobs, as well as homes for people. Attacking landlords and their ability to provide those much-needed homes is an own-goal of momentous proportions.

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